Shayela Mian

Temple University, Japan Campus

I am currently an instructor in the Bridge Program at Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ). I teach courses in academic writing and reading, primarily. I am interested in research in effective practices for teaching and learning in these areas. Prior to teaching at TUJ, I worked with children and teenagers, teaching them the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.


Reading Communities: Lexical Dimensions

Junior/Senior High School
Sun, Nov 22, 14:35-15:00 JST

This presentation explores the implications of sociocultural theory for vocabulary instruction. Rooted in the idea that learning occurs through social interaction, sociocultural theory provides a basis for vocabulary instruction that relies on interactions that are more powerful when those interactions lead to the creation of classroom communities. Within a classroom community, teachers and students can interact with each other and with texts such that effective, meaningful learning of vocabulary and comprehension of these texts occur.