Matthew Cotter
Matt Cotter, formally a primary school teacher in NZ, currently lectures at Hokusei Gakuen University Junior College. He holds undergraduate degrees in Maori Studies and Psychology and a Diploma of Primary Teaching. After moving to Japan and making Sapporo his home, he completed a Master of Education specializing in TESOL. His research interests include CALL and EMI based approaches to teaching English classes, in particular, intercultural communication, sports theory and also indigenous language and culture. He can be contacted at <>.
Bridging the Gaps in ER
This year our Extensive Reading (ER) forum brings together researchers, writers, and practitioners addressing some of the connections or disconnections between reading and writing; between graded readers and learner backgrounds; and between producing readers with socially relevant content and learner interest and accessibility. The speakers will share some insights on their approaches to bridging these gaps as ER takes hold in a variety of contexts in Japan and abroad.
Teaching Presentation Skills in an ERT Setting
Emergency remote teaching (ERT) of English oral presentation skills forces new perspectives on learning. A blended learning approach was developed over several years to complement classroom delivery with Moodle-based multimedia interactive activities. Leveraging that knowledge base, this workshop introduces techniques and tasks specifically addressing remote learning problems of how to develop presentation skills without a live interactive environment, and how to keep easily disenchanted students encouraged and engaged without constant real time support.