Amanda Gillis Furutaka

Kyoto Sangyo University

Program Chair of BRAIN SIG, member of SIETAR Contrast Culture Method SIG


Understanding Different Communities of Practice

College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 17:20-17:45 JST

In this session we will describe the Contrast Culture Method (CCM) as a tool for the audience to understand and explore their cultural values. Training can be tailored towards different communities of trainees, such as students, teachers, business people. Several trainers will explain their personal narratives about what they have learned from CCM: how it can be powerful, moving, and not just insightful but deeply reflective on how we act and who we are.

Predictive Language Processing and Its Role in ELT

Tue, Nov 17, 18:00-19:00 JST

Predictive Processing (PP) is a fundamental and exciting theory in neuroscience. This forum will focus on the critical role PP plays in foreign language processing. Following an overview of PP, participants will be able to choose two topics to hear more about and discuss in separate breakout rooms (PP in depth, multi-word utterances, grammar, intensive reading, study abroad, extensive reading). With two rounds, everyone will be able to visit two rooms.