Mark Rebuck

Meijo University, Faculty of Pharmacy

I am from London (England), but have lived in Japan since the early 1990s. Apart from one year working as a bell boy in a Shizuoka hotel and three years as a CIR (Coordinator for International Relations) on the JET program, my time in Japan has mostly been spent teaching in various universities. Since 2013, I have taught medical English to pharmacy students.


Challenges and Solutions for the EMP Classroom

College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 09:30-10:30 JST

The presenter will discuss solutions to the challenges encountered teaching English for Medical Purposes (EMP), challenges that can be grouped under five headings: needs and wants; teacher expertise; lesson content; classroom management; and assessment. For example, responding to the students’ want for content that is relevant means the EMP teacher cannot remain a layperson. How then can they become sufficiently knowledgeable to teach a lesson on, for example, opioid pharmacology?