Yoko Morimoto

Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan

Yoko Morimoto was born and raised in Japan. She completed her BA in Education (TESL and Linguistics) at Long Island University in New York, and her MA in TESOL at Teachers College, Columbia University. Since 1990, she has been teaching in the School of Political Science and Economics at Meiji University, Tokyo. She has also lived in New Zealand and France in recent years. In the last several years, she has been experimenting on herself with learning French through drama in a professional drama school in Paris, which has proven very positive for learning the language relatively quickly, and she has been exploring the use of drama-inspired activities while researching on neuroscientific studies to support them.



College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 17:20-18:50 JST

The Performance in Education (PIE) SIG forum will feature a panel discussion with a number of PIE practitioners. The focus of this year’s forum is on student motivation, teacher/student feedback, and teacher/student (self- and peer-) evaluation, and how these come together to support communities of teachers and students even in the midst of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Join us for an interactive, enriching, educative and practical panel discussion!