David Kluge

Nanzan University

David Kluge has been a member of JALT since 1983. His research interests are oral interpretation/readers theatre, drama, speech, presentation, debate, cooperative learning, materials development, and CALL. He is a founding officer of both the CALL SIG and the Performance in Education SIG and has published oral communication and composition textbooks for Macmillan LanguageHouse and Cengage/National Geographic Learning. He is the incoming Co-coordinator of the Performance in Education SIG.



College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 17:20-18:50 JST

The Performance in Education (PIE) SIG forum will feature a panel discussion with a number of PIE practitioners. The focus of this year’s forum is on student motivation, teacher/student feedback, and teacher/student (self- and peer-) evaluation, and how these come together to support communities of teachers and students even in the midst of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Join us for an interactive, enriching, educative and practical panel discussion!

Community: A Living Newspaper Readers Theatre Idea

Sun, Nov 22, 11:20-12:20 JST

This workshop will first describe Living Newspaper Readers Theatre (LNRT) -- a performance of a script stitched together by selecting topically-related news articles -- will go through the steps necessary to do the activity, then the participants will create their own LNRT, practice it, and then perform it. The workshop will end with a short discussion, Q&A, and a reflection on the activity and how it relates to critical thinking and community.