Matthew Apple

Ritsumeikan University

I teach language studies, social identities, and technology in the Department of International Communication, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. I was lead editor of two volumes of research into L2 learning motivation in Japan and Asia published by Multilingual Matters. Other work has appeared (or will appear) in journals such as JALT Journal, Asian EFL Journal, Journal of Applied Measurement, the Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, and IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. I also write about science and science fiction (, practice martial arts, and enjoying cooking and hiking. My research interests in SLA include (among many others) L2 motivation, Computer Assisted Language Learning, and intercultural communication competence.


CALL in the Time of Corona

College & University Education
Mon, Nov 23, 11:20-11:45 JST

In this session, the researchers will present the results of a mixed-methods study regarding university faculty satisfaction with emergency remote online teaching and its effect on motivation and lifestyle. University faculty teaching English-language courses were recruited from several universities in Japan and asked to complete a quantitative survey as well as opt-in for a qualitative interview. The results of this research will be used to inform the implementation of online learning in future semesters.