Marcus Grandon

University of Birmingham

Marcus Grandon, PhD — Tutor: English Language and Linguistics MA Programme (ELAL) University of Birmingham; University Instructor: Shizuoka University, University of Shizuoka, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, Nihon University, Tokai University; Co-founder, MUSE International Research Group


Collaborating in Classrooms: The Manga Project

College & University Education
Sat, Nov 21, 11:55-12:20 JST

One trend in EFL textbooks is to introduce learners to basic-level, research skills such as questionnaire design in order to complete small-scale, research projects. Yet little is understood about such lessons. The presenter will discuss the impact of lessons where learners jointly produce a whole-class, research project on Japanese manga. Results contain implications for project-based learning (PBL) and reveal understandings of learner autonomy and language awareness in relation to the creation of class projects.