Maura Devlin

Bay Path University

Dr. Maura Devlin is the Associate VP and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Bay Path University, a women’s college in western Massachusetts in the US. She has worked at Bay Path since 2006 and has had a long-standing role in oversight of the varied academic degree programs for at the undergraduate level, both for the traditional residential students and for the adult students studying primarily online . In 2019, she led the first international exchange and collaborative international course for the adult women’s division, in partnership with Jissen Women’s University.


Leverage Your LMS for Virtual Study Abroad

College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 11:55-12:20 JST

This presentation describes a collaboration between two women’s universities, one in the United States and one in Japan. Students from both universities participated in an online course, a cross-cultural analysis of women’s leadership. The presentation focuses on the use of an existing learning management system to facilitate the exchange. The presenters will offer best practices that will be of interest to educators seeking to implement virtual intercultural learning experiences when travel is not feasible.