Harika Basak Bilici

Kwansei Gakuin University

Harika B. Bilici is an experienced EAP teacher who has been teaching at various universities in Turkey, China and Japan. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in English Language Education, finished the Cambridge Diploma of English Language Teaching to Adults (DELTA) and received a Master’s Degree in Educational Management from the Bilkent University. She is interested in whole person learning, transformative learning, public health, behavior change, education for sustainable development and online education.


Using LESD in the CLIL University Classroom

College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 11:55-12:20 JST

Are important global issues, like climate change or health, falling on deaf ears in your university EFL classes? Language education for sustainable development (LESD) can be a valuable tool for you. The presenters will discuss the results of case study research exploring the use of LESD in EFL classes and share practical ways of how LESD principles and tools can be implemented to add meaningful value for your students.