Cristina Tat
Kwansei Gakuin University
Cristina Tat is an Assistant Lecturer of English in the School of Policy Studies at Kwansei Gakuin University. Her research interests include extensive reading and comparative education.
Literature in Language Teaching as Community
In this forum, presenters will introduce ways in which literature and approaches to it can be used by students and educators to understand, contribute to, and participate in, various notions of community. Audience members will then be invited to discuss the effect and effectiveness of literature and teaching/learning methodologies in both defining, and existing in, a greater whole. Please join us in an exchange of ideas and a sharing of experiences.
Reading to Write, Writing to Read
This presentation will describe an elective course that has been introduced with the aim of encouraging university students to read for pleasure and to become more actively engaged with texts by developing their writing skills. It is the instructor`s hope that they will become more critical readers by learning to be better writers.