Rebecca L. Oxford, Ph.D.

Rebecca L. Oxford, Ph.D. (Professor Emerita and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, University of Maryland) co-edited Peacebuilding in Language Education (Multilingual Matters, 2021). She has published 14 other books on peace, eco-education, transformative education, and language learning and has given presentations in 43 countries. She co-edits two book series: Spirituality, Religion, and Education (Palgrave) and Transforming Education for the Future (Information Age). “Rebecca Oxford’s research has changed the way the world teaches languages,” stated a lifetime achievement award.


Natural Harmony: Teaching Language, Teaching Peace

College & University Education
Sat, Nov 21, 09:30-10:30 JST

Peace is harmony attained by working productively with conflicting perspectives. In this lively plenary, Rebecca Oxford focuses on the natural harmony between teaching language and teaching peace. Both focus on helping people develop necessary communicative competence, and both promote cooperation and understanding across cultures and groups. Using her Language of Peace Approach and describing peace activities for the classroom (onsite or online), Rebecca takes us to the heart of peacebuilding in language education.

Exciting, Practical Language Activities for Peacebuilding

College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 09:30-10:30 JST

Rebecca Oxford and Matilde Olivero invite language educators to see themselves and their students as potential peacebuilders. The workshop involves short, dynamic activities that enhance language and peace competencies simultaneously. These activities are related to the Language of Peace Approach, positive psychology, social and emotional learning (SEL), and “21st Century Skills,” such as communication, collaboration, creativity, cultural understanding, critical thinking, and commitment. Participants receive a link to abundant materials, information, and contacts for possible collaboration.

Panel Discussion and Closing Ceremony

Non-teaching Context
Mon, Nov 23, 14:00-15:00 JST

The end of the show, and we will welcome some of our plenary, featured, and invited guest speakers to offer some final words and reflections on the conference. Audience participants will be encouraged to ask questions and offer insights of their own. After the panel discussion we will here about what is to come for JALT2021!