Edward Cooper Howland
Hiroshima YMCA
I am a career English Language Technician.
Student Poster Sessions to Promote Learner Agency
Is it possible to create an in-class community of learners to promote presentation skills, research methods, self-confidence, motivation, and creativity with a single project? We have spent three years doing just that with our student poster sessions. The students conduct research projects of their own design and share them in poster expos. This workshop will share the complete project design, some of the posters, and a selection of qualitative feedback from the students themselves.
Predictive Language Processing and Its Role in ELT
Predictive Processing (PP) is a fundamental and exciting theory in neuroscience. This forum will focus on the critical role PP plays in foreign language processing. Following an overview of PP, participants will be able to choose two topics to hear more about and discuss in separate breakout rooms (PP in depth, multi-word utterances, grammar, intensive reading, study abroad, extensive reading). With two rounds, everyone will be able to visit two rooms.