Simon Capper
Japanese Red Cross Hiroshima College of Nursing
Simon Capper is a long-term resident of Hiroshima, Japan. He has taught in Japanese tertiary education for over three decades and amazingly, still enjoys it. He has authored or co-authored about 15 English textbooks, including This is Japan (National Geographic Learning) and Bedside Manner Beginner and Any Questions? (both Perceptia Press). He is co-founder of JANET, the Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching.
A Survey of Nurses’ English Needs
This presentation reports on a pilot study for a national needs analysis survey of nursing English. We outline the procedures followed in setting up the survey, and provide suggestions for those wishing to conduct similar enquiries. The survey covered a wide range of nurses’ professional duties, and the findings have implications for anyone involved in teaching English to nurses and in the wider field of English for specific purposes.