JALT2020 REDUX: Hangouts
Saturday December 19th, 4:45pm ~This is a relaxed event with the objective of continuing many of the great conversations that took place during the JALT2020 conference. These may be presentations or just open discussions based on a presenter’s topic. Presentations will start at 5 pm, 6 pm, and 7 pm. Each presenter will be in a Zoom Breakout Room. Participants will be able to choose whatever presentation they want to see. The event is open to those who participated in the JALT2020 Online conference.
To attend, you must be logged in then just follow this link.
Welcome to JALT2020
Monday, November 16 to Monday, November 23, 2020
46th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition.
Community plays an important role in language education, both inside and outside classrooms, and will take centre stage at JALT2020. The theme of this year's conference encourages participants to reflect on the importance of community, explore ways we can strengthen our professional communities and help students enhance their learning communities.
JALT meets Wenger’s (2006) three crucial characteristics of communities of practice: “shared domain of interest”, engagement in joint activities and discussions, and shared practice. Many people in the JALT community share the same interests of professionally developing as language educators and helping others to develop, with a common goal of improving the educational opportunities of the force that drives this community: language learners.
By bringing together people who have different backgrounds and expertise, JALT2020 can move us closer to that goal and help us to make that community thrive. We welcome people with all levels of experience and believe that all participants have something valuable to share with others.
We believe JALT2020 has the potential to bring people together in meaningful ways and lead to new developments in the lives of individual participants and the field at large but none of this will happen without you.
Louise Ohashi and Mizuka Tsukamoto
JALT2020 Conference Co-Chairs
About JALT
The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to the improvement of language teaching and learning. JALT promotes excellence in language learning, teaching, and research by providing opportunities for those involved in language education to meet, share, and collaborate.