Theron Muller
University of Toyama

Using Community to Strengthen Qualitative Research
In this workshop, participants will be led through the qualitative research process of a recently completed project using critical discourse analysis to analyze higher education job advertisements (Muller & Skeates, 2020). Discussion topics will include how the project was conceived, decisions regarding methodology, the coding process, and how collaboration strengthened the research. We will conclude with a practical discussion of how workshop participants can plan and execute their own qualitative research projects.
Critical Discourse Analysis of Job Advertisements
This research explores tensions arising from the internationalization of higher education through analyzing language teaching and applied linguistics job advertisements. Using discourse analysis we examine job advertisements across institutions with attention to how institutions represent themselves and the work they solicit. The current study, by examining job advertisements from Anglophone countries and Japan-based institutions in English, English and Japanese, and Japanese, clarifies similarities and differences in institutional and job position representations across national communities.
Panel Discussion and Closing Ceremony
The end of the show, and we will welcome some of our plenary, featured, and invited guest speakers to offer some final words and reflections on the conference. Audience participants will be encouraged to ask questions and offer insights of their own. After the panel discussion we will here about what is to come for JALT2021!