Niall Walsh

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies


Getting Started in Materials Development

As teaching professionals, we are all familiar with teaching materials provided by coursebooks and workbooks. However, in many cases, the best materials are the ones designed by the teacher themselves. This practical workshop encourages teachers to rethink their materials design process. Aided by a materials design framework, participants will collaborate on producing materials for specific teaching contexts. By attending, participants will gain insights into how to strategically develop materials for use within their own classrooms.

Literature as a Pedagogical Resource

Opinions have long been divided among language professionals as to the merits of literature as a pedagogical resource in a second language classroom. However, an agreement is found in their acknowledgement that research into this area is scarce. This presentation will report on a study that addressed this lack of data. It will summarize the results of research carried out to evaluate the use of a literary piece in a Japanese private high school.