Caroline Handley
Seikei University
JALT Publications Board Chair and Brain SIG Co-ordinator.
JALT Publications Chairs Meeting
This is the annual meeting for JALT SIG and Chapter Publication Chairs. We will discuss issues related to publications and share ideas for producing, improving, and promoting publications. Other SIG and Chapter Officers or members of JALT publications are welcome to attend.
Getting Published in JALT Publications
This presentation provides clear and practical information on publishing in one of the JALT Publications journals, which include The Language Teacher, JALT Journal, and the Postconference Publication. Editors from each journal will cover their journal’s remit and submission guidelines, describe the various peer-reviewed and not peer-reviewed publication opportunities available, and answer questions. First-time authors and those wishing to publish in Japanese are especially welcome.
Forming a Research Community in the Workplace
The presenters will describe a research project they undertook with four classes of students at a university in Japan. Although the hypothesis was not supported by the results, separate analyses for each class showed that there were opposing outcomes between classes. The presenters will discuss what they learned from the collaboration, how working together improved the quality of the research, and share advice for other teachers who wish to conduct research with their colleagues.
Predictive Language Processing and Its Role in ELT
Predictive Processing (PP) is a fundamental and exciting theory in neuroscience. This forum will focus on the critical role PP plays in foreign language processing. Following an overview of PP, participants will be able to choose two topics to hear more about and discuss in separate breakout rooms (PP in depth, multi-word utterances, grammar, intensive reading, study abroad, extensive reading). With two rounds, everyone will be able to visit two rooms.