Eucharia Donnerey



College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 17:20-18:50 JST

The Performance in Education (PIE) SIG forum will feature a panel discussion with a number of PIE practitioners. The focus of this year’s forum is on student motivation, teacher/student feedback, and teacher/student (self- and peer-) evaluation, and how these come together to support communities of teachers and students even in the midst of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Join us for an interactive, enriching, educative and practical panel discussion!

Building Community by Blending Drama and CALL

College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 11:55-12:20 JST

This presentation traces how students gained interpersonal skills and intercultural communicative competencies (ICC) through drama-based pedagogy and participation in the International Virtual Exchange (IVE) project. Through process drama activities that culminated with writing-in-role, non-English major computer science students were provided a foundation for participation in the IVE project, thereby building community across the world.