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The Toulmin Model for Developing Arguments #350

Sun, Nov 22, 10:45-12:15 JST | Zoom 29 Posters
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Students often have difficulties writing logical, cohesive arguments in English. This poster presentation introduces and applies the Toulmin model of argumentation to student arguments. The Toulmin system identifies three indispensable (i.e. the claim, the grounds, and the warrant) and three optional elements in every argument. The Toulmin model can help participants have a better understanding of how logical arguments achieve cohesion as well as guide students to write them.

Presentation Assets

Poster - The Toulmin Model for Developing Arguments

Download PDF: Poster - The Toulmin Model for Developing Arguments

Michael Herke

Michael Herke

Setsunan University
Michael is a lecturer in the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Setsunan University. In his spare time he enjoys hiking, photography, cooking, reading and writing.