Megumi Tada

Hirosaki University

Megumi Tada is an associate professor at Hirosaki University. Her interests are experiential learning, CLIL, Business English, and PBL.


Yo, You Can't Google This!—Is PBL Right for You?

College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 18:30-18:55 JST

Hirosaki University subsidizes international project-based learning (PBL). Since 2017, we've accompanied four PBL groups to Hawaii Island. Providing unique, experiential, domestic and international content has proven less challenging than selecting balanced, mindful groups. Who do we choose? How do we get a generation with information at their fingertips to put their minds and bodies into live projects? We'll share our process and invite participants to brainstorm improvements to better serve future cohorts.

SALC for Beginners - Establishing Links With Class

College & University Education
Sun, Nov 22, 17:55-18:20 JST

弘前大学English Loungeは8年目に入る自主語学学習施設SALCである。開放的雰囲気の許、学生は科目の合間に訪れ語学のスキルを磨く。とかく英語ができる学生のための施設と思われがちな部分を補うべく、授業後のアンケート結果を紹介し、発表者は通常の教養教育初級英語クラスとの連携の工夫を考える。