Paul Sevigny
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
As a tenured lecturer I teach EFL courses and coordinate programs. I study literary discussion of ER-based texts. I am currently supported by a JSPS grant for the development of bilingual graded readers and discussion methods.
Evaluating Online Vocabulary Tools
This paper reports on a blended learning evaluation of English vocabulary systems (Gruba et al., 2016) at a midsize Japanese university as part of an Assurance of Learning (AOL) initiative. Methods include meso-level evidence gathering and micro-level comparison between two English classes—one using English Central and one Word Engine. The results include emerging categories for comparison and how some of these programs compare side-by-side.
Enhancing NGSL Recall Through Blended Learning
The presenters will examine the adoption of a blended learning vocabulary program called “English Central” into a mid-sized private Japanese university with the aim to enhance students’ vocabulary knowledge and recall. Building on a body of literature that supports the use of the New General Service List (NGSL), the presenters examine how blended learning systems can be used effectively in the classroom to promote students’ vocabulary knowledge.
Assurance of Learning for a Vocabulary Program
As universities in Japan begin to create formal Assurance of Learning (AOL) frameworks, educators need to ensure that program wide vocabulary objectives are in alignment. During this presentation, presenters will share how they developed their program wide vocabulary curriculum in line with their AOL at a mid-sized private university. The presenters will conclude with suggesting ways that program administrators can develop formal processes and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating students’ vocabulary knowledge.