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How Can Teachers Escape Their “Egg Cartons”?
Sat, Nov 21, 13:25-14:55 JST
| Zoom 29 Posters
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Teacher Education (TED)
Poster Session
EFL teachers require sustained collegial learning that is relevant to what goes on inside their classrooms. This presentation will highlight 10 21st century professional development (PD) strategies. The researchers will discuss the data that emerged from an intensive three-day PD workshop for in-service English teachers (n=17) and a follow-up online questionnaire. This data helped the research team establish a professional learning network (PLN) for Japanese secondary school EFL educators that supports organic and collegial learning.
Presentation Assets
Poster - How Can Teachers Escape Their “Egg Cartons”?
Download PDF: Poster - How Can Teachers Escape Their “Egg Cartons”?
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Nanzan University